Typically my sister and I like to dress the girls up in "pair" costumes. Tulip fairy and Strawberry fairy, Dr. Huskins and her X-Ray, etc. This year they had their own opinions. Josie LOVES Minnie Mouse and Sophie LOVES....Chick Fil A.
Adam and Sophie regularly visit Chick Fil A, especially on Tuesdays when I am at work. I am not a big fan of Chick Fil A, so it is their daddy/daughter date spot. Tuesday night is "Kids Eat Free" which also involves free ice cream, an 8 foot cow, and a balloon animal guy. For those of you who know Sophie well, you can imagine the reaction she typically has to the 8 foot cow.
Adam should be the one telling the story, but alas, I'm all you have right now. The first experience with the 8 foot cow started when Sophie spotted him from the doorway and refused to move. Adam finally got her into the restaurant and she kept at least one eye ball on that cow ALMOST the entire time they were there. At some point she lost track of the cow and he snuck up on her and tapped her on the shoulder. Adam said she literally crawled OVER the table to get to him, and to get away from that cow. I received a picture of said cow that night with this caption "who doesn't think an 8 foot cow would freak out a toddler?" and I laughed...especially our toddler.
Since then the cow has learned to stay a safe distance from our sweet Sophie. However, Sophie secretly has a crush on the cow and talks about him ALL the time. She calls Chick Fil A "chicky moo" and asks for it at least daily. I guess she's just playing hard to get. The balloon animal man is still up for grabs...she likes the balloon animals, just not the man.
Anyway, knowing that Josie was going to be Minnie Mouse, I asked Sophie multiple times what she wanted to be for Halloween. Every single time I asked her she said "moo". Finally I gave up with my suggestions for something to go with Josie and went with Sophie's preference. I found her a used cow costume for $8 at a consignement shop and Adam made her official Chick Fil A signs. Sophie slept with her cow costume for many nights and still requests to wear it on occasion. I also found her some light up cow slippers. It will go down in history as one of my favorite Halloweeen costumes ever. And for the first time EVER she actually trick or treated. Josie refused to let us walk up to the door with her. She's three. Really? Man time flies.
The other best part of the night was the adult dressed up as "dead Minnie Mouse" who allowed us to take her picture with Josie. Sick and wrong...but funny.